* = member of the MIT Paleomagnetism Laboratory


Hurowitz, J., A. Allwood, M. Cable, K. Hand, A. Murphy, K. Uckert, J. Bell, T. Bosak, Adrian Broz, E. Clavé, A. Cousin, S. Davidoff, Erwin Dehouck, K. Farley, S. Gupta, S.-E. Hamran, K. Hickman-Lewis, J. Johnson, P. Jørgensen, L. Kah, H. Kalucha, T. Kizovski, D. Klevang, Y. Liu, F. McCubbin, E. Moreland, G. Paar, D. Paige, A. Pascuzzo, M. Rice, M. Schmidt, K. Siebach, S. Siljestrom, J. Simon, K. Stack, A. Steele, N. Tosca, A. Treiman, S. VanBommel, L. Wade, B. *Weiss, R. Wiens, K. Williford, R. Barnes, P. Barr, A. Bechtold, P. Beck, K. Benzerara, S. Bernard, O. Beyssac, R. Bhartia, A. Brown, G. Caravaca, E. Cardarelli, E. Cloutis, A. Fairén, D. Flannery, T. Fornaro, T. Fouchet, B. Garczynski, F. Gomez, E. Hausrath, C. Heirwegh, C. Herd, J. Huggett, A. Jones, M. Jones, J. Jorgensen, A. Li, J. Maki, L. Mandon, N. Mangold, J. Manrique-Martinez, J. Martínez-Frías, J. Nuñez, L. O'Neil, B. Orenstein, C. Quantin-Nataf, P. Russell, M. Schulte, S. Sharma, D. Shuster, A. Srivastava, B. Wogsland, Z. U. Wolf (2024) Detection of a Potential Biosignature by the Perseverance Rover on Mars, Nature, submitted.

Williford, K. H.,  K. A. Farley, B. Horgan, B. Garczynski, A. H. Treiman, S. Gupta, A. J. Jones, S. Siljeström, E. Cardarelli, E. Clavé, L. Mayhew, J. Osterhout, E. Ravanis, K. M. Stack, S. Fagents, C. C. Bedford, O. Beyssac, T. Bosak, S. V. Bykov, D. Flannery, T. Fouchet, K. P. Hand, M. W. M. Jones, L. Kah, A. Klidaras, J. Maki, L. Mandon, N. Mangold, E. *Mansbach, F. M. McCubbin, J. I. Simon, A. Srivastava, M. Tice, K. Uckert, R. C. Wiens, S. Alwmark, J. Aramendia, R. Barnes, P. Beck, J. F. B. III, S. Bernard, R. Bhartia, A. J. Brown, A. Broz, D. Buckner, D. Catling, E. Cloutis, S. Connell, A. Corpolongo, A. Cousin, L. Crumpler, A. Czaja, E. Dehouck, B. Ehlmann, T. Fornaro, O. Forni, S. E. Hamran, N. Haney, K. Hickman-Lewis, W. Hug, J. Hurowitz, R. Jakubek, J. Johnson, A. Koeppel, J. M. Madariaga, J. Martínez-Frías, J. I. Núñez, B. J. Orenstein, Y. Y. Phua, C. Pilorget, N. Randazzo, C. Royer, P. Russell, E. Scheller, N. Schmitz, S. Schröder, M. A. Sephton, S. Sharma, S. Sharma, D. Shuster, K. Sinclair, A. Steele, C. Tate, B. *Weiss, A. Williams, Z. U. Wolf, R. A. Yingst (2024) Carbonated ultramafic rocks in Jezero crater, Mars, Science, submitted.

*Weiss, B. P. (2024) The moon goddess’s magnetic midlife, Sci. Adv., submitted.

Kizovski, T.V., M.E. Schmidt, L. O’Neil, M.W.M. Jones, N.J. Tosca, D.A. Klevang, J.A.Hurowitz, C.T. Adcock, E.M. Hausrath, K. L. Siebach, Z.U. Wolf1, S. Sharma, S.J. VanBommel, F.M. McCubbin, E. Cloutis, M.L. Cable, Y. Liu, B.C. Clark, A.H. Treiman, M.M. Tice, D.C. Catling, J. Maki, T. J. Bosak, B. P. *Weiss, A.G. Fairén, J.R. Christian, A.L. Knight, N.R. Randazzo, P.S. Jørgensen, P. Lawson, L. Wade, C. Heirwegh, W.T. Elam, A.C. Allwood (2024) Fe-phosphates in Jezero crater: Chemical, structural, and spectral evidence for an ancient habitable environment on Mars, submitted.  

Snyder, J. S. C. L. Kelly, C. Garner, N. Bradley, I. Johnson, R. Corey, J. B. *Ream and B. P. *Weiss (2024) Initial checkout of the Psyche electric propulsion, J. Electric Propuls., submitted

*Gentgen, C., D. Landau, B. P. *Weiss, O. De Weck (2024) Assessing science robustness in uncertain environments: Application to a Uranus Flagship mission, 2024 IEEE Aerospace Conf., submitted.

*Borlina, C. S., B. P. *Weiss, X.-N. Bai, P.-Y. Tung, R. J. Harrison, E. N. *Mansbach, N. Chatterjee, F. L. H. Tissot, K. D. McKeegan (2024) Paleomagnetic evidence for a nebular magnetic field at the beginning of the solar system, submitted.

*Narrett, I., R. Oran, Y. Chen, K. Miljković, G. Tóth, E. N. Mansbach, and B. P. Weiss (2024) Impact plasma amplification of the ancient lunar dynamo, Sci. Adv., submitted.

Bok, I., J. Phillips, T. Zhu, J. Lu, E. Detienne, E. A. *Lima, B. P. *Weiss, A. Jasanoff. A. Hai (2024) Magnetic detection of neural activity by transducers, Nano. Lett., submitted

Dehouck, E., O. Forni, C. Quantin-Nataf, P. Beck, N. Mangold, O. Beyssac, C. Royer, Elise Clavé, J. R. Johnson, L. Mandon, F. Poulet, A. Udry, G. Lopez-Reyes, G. Caravaca, S. Maurice, R. C. Wiens , K. M. Stack, R. B. Anderson, T. Bosak, A. P. Broz, K. Castro, S. M. Clegg , A. Cousin, G. Dromart, K. A. Farley, T. Fouchet, J. Frydenvang, T. S. J. Gabriel, P. Gasda , E. Gibbons, B. H. N. Horgan, J. A. Hurowitz, H. Kalucha, J. Lasue, S. Le Mouélic, J. Manuel Madariaga, P.-Y. Meslin, M. Nachon, J. I. Nuñez, P. Pilleri, C. Pilorget, J. W. Rice, P. S. Russell, S. Schroeder, D. L. Shuster, K. L. Siebach, J. I. Simon, B. P. Weiss, A. J. Williams (2024) Diverse geochemical environments recorded in the Jezero western fan, Mars, submitted

*Cambioni, S., B. P. *Weiss, E. Asphaug, K. Volk, A. Emsenhuber, R. Melikyan, J. B. *Biersteker, Z. *Lin (2024) Can metal-rich worlds form by giant impacts?, Astron. Astrophys., in review.


191. Hausrath, E. M., R. Sullivan, Y. Goreva, M.P. Zorzano, A. Vaughan, A. Cousin, S. Siljeström, S. Sharma,  A. Shumway, T. Kizovski, S. VanBommel, M. Tice, A. Knight, G. Martinez, A. de Vicente-Retortillo, L. Mandon, C.T. Adcock, J.M. Madariaga, I. Población, J.R. Johnson, J. Lasue, O. Gasnault, N. Randazzo, E. Cardarelli, R. Kronyak,  A. Bechtold, G. Paar, A. Udry, O. Forni, C. C. Bedford, N.A. Carman, J. F. Bell III, K. Benison, T. Bosak, A. Brown, A. Broz, F. Calef, B. Clark, E. Cloutis, A. D. Czaja, T. Fornaro, T. Fouchet, T.S.J. Gabriel, M. Golombek, F. Gomez, C. D. K. Herd, K. Herkenhoff, R. S. Jakubek,  L. Jandura, J. Martinez-Frias, L. E. Mayhew,  F. Poulet, C. Royer, P. Russell, M. Sephton, S. K. Sharma,  D. Shuster,  J. I. Simon, I. Tirona,  R. C. Wiens, B. P. *Weiss, A. Williams, K. Williford, Z.U. Wolf (2024) Collection and in situ analyses of regolith samples by the Mars 2020 rover: Implications for the formation and alteration history, J. Geophys. Res., in press.

190. Cochrane, C. J., J. C. Castillo-Rogez, S. D. Vance, and B. P. *Weiss (2024) Triton and Pluto: Ocean detection, in Triton and Pluto, in press.

189. Herd, C. D. K., T. Bosak, E. M. Hausrath, K. Hickman-Lewis, L. E. Mayhew, D. L. Shuster, S. Siljeström, J. I . Simon, B. P. *Weiss, M. Wadhwa, M-P. Zorzano, J. N. Maki, K. A. Farley, K. M. Stack (2024) Sampling Mars: Geologic context and preliminary characterization of samples collected by the NASA Mars 2020 Perseverance rover mission, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, in press.

188. *Mansbach, E. N., E. A. *Lima, M. Sowell, J. L. Kirschvink, R. R. Fu, S. *Cambioni, X.-N. Bai, J. B. *Ream, C. Anai, A. Kobayashi, H. Hidaka, B. P. *Weiss (2024) A weak solar nebula magnetic field in the distal solar system from Ryugu paleomagnetism, AGU Adv., 5, e2024AV001396.

187. *Mansbach, E. N., T. V. Kizovski, E. L. *Scheller, T. Bosak, L. Mandon, B. Horgan, R. C. Wiens, C. D. K. Herd, S. Sharma, J. R. Johnson, T. S. J. Gabriel, O. Forni, Y. Liu, M. E. Schmidt, B. P. *Weiss (2024) Likely ferromagnetic minerals identified by the Perseverance rover and implications for future paleomagnetic analyses of returned Martian samples, J. Geophys. Res., 129, e2024JE008505.

186. *Weiss, B. P., E. N. *Mansbach, C. Maurel, C. J. Sprain, N. L. Swanson-Hysell, W. Williams (2024) What we can learn about Mars from the magnetism of returned samples, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, in press.

185. *Scheller E. T. *Bosak, F. M. McCubbin, K. Williford, S. Siljeström, R. S. Jakubek, S. A. Eckley, R. V. Morris, S. V. Bykov, T. Kizovski, S. Asher, E. Berger, D. M. Bower, E. L. Cardarelli, B. L. Ehlmann, T. Fornaro, A. Fox, N. Haney, K. Hand, R. Roppel, Sunanda Sharma, Andrew Steele, Kyle Uckert, Anastasia G. Yanchilina, Olivier Beyssac, K. A. Farley, J. Henneke, C. Heirwegh, D. A. K. Pedersen, Y. Liu, M. E. Schmidt, M, Sephton,  D. Shuster, and B. P. *Weiss (2024) Inorganic interpretation of luminescent materials encountered by the Perseverance rover on Mars, Sci. Adv., 10, eadm8241.

184. Oh, D. Y., N. Alonge, S. H. Bairstow, A. Biswas, C. Chesko, D. M. Goebel, T. Imken, J. Maxwell, A. Na-Nakornpanom, A. Nicholas, J. S. Snyder, and K. Charles Wang, I. Johnson, P. Linggi, P. Lord, S. Malone, Z. Pirkl, J. B. Ream, B. P. Weiss, R. Oran,and  J. M. G. Merayo (2024) Launch and initial checkout of the Psyche spacecraft for NASA’s Discovery program, 38th International Electric Propulsion Conference, #IEPC-2024-126

183. Snyder, J.S. C. L. Kelly, C. Garner, N. Bradley, I. Johnson, Ron Corey, J. B. Ream and B. P. Weiss (2024) Initial checkout of the Psyche electric propulsion system after launch, 38th International Electric Propulsion Conference, #IEPC-2024-161

182. *Borlina, C. S., E. A. *Lima, J. M. Feinberg, P. Jaqueto, I. Lascu, R. I. F. Trindade, E. Font, E. M. Sánches-Moreno, L. Dimucco, Y. Yokoyama, J. M. Parés, B. P. *Weiss, J. A. Dorale (2024) Obtaining high-resolution magnetic records from speleothems using magnetic microscopy, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 25, e2024GC011594.

181. Bosak, T.,  D. L. Shuster, E. L. *Scheller, S. Siljeström, M. J. Zawaski, L. Mandon, J. I. Simon, B. P. *Weiss, K. M. Stack, E. N. *Mansbach, A. H. Treiman, K. C. Benison, A. J. Brown, A. D. Czaja, K. A. Farley, E. M. Hausrath, K. Hickman-Lewis, C. D. K. Herd, J. R. Johnson, L. E. Mayhew , M. E. Minitti, K. H. Williford, B. V. Wogsland, M.-P. Zorzano, A. C. Allwood, H. E. F. Amundsen, J. F. Bell III, K. Benzerara, S. Bernard, O. Beyssac, D. K. Buckner, M. Cable, F. Calef III, G. Caravaca, D. C. Catling, E. Clavé, E. Cloutis, B. A. Cohen, A. Cousin, E. Dehouck, A. Fáiren, D. T. Flannery, T. Fornaro, O. Forni, T. Fouchet, E. Gibbons, F. Gomez, S. Gupta, K. P. Hand, J. A. Hurowitz, H. Kalucha, D. A. K. Pedersen, G. Lopes-Reyes, J. N. Maki, S. Maurice, J. I. Nuñez, N. Randazzo, J. W. Rice Jr., C. Royer, M. A. Sephton, S. Sharma, A. Steele, C. D. Tate, K. Uckert, A. Udry, R. C. Wiens, A. Williams (2024) Astrobiological potential of rocks acquired by the Perseverance rover at a sedimentary fan front in Jezero crater, Mars, AGU Adv., 5, e2024AV001241.

180. Pappalardo, R. T., Buratti, B.J., Korth, H., Senske, D.A., Blaney, D.L., Blankenship, D.D., Burch, J.L., Christensen, P.R., Kempf, S., Kivelson, M.G., Mazarico, E., Retherford, K.D., Turtle, E.P., Westlake, J.H., Paczkowski, B.G., Ray, T.L., Kampmeier, J., Craft, K.L., Howell, S.M., Klima, R.L., Leonard, E.J., Matiella Novak, A., Phillips, C.B., Daubar, I.J., Blacksberg, J., Brooks, S.M., Choukroun, M.N., Cochrane, C.J., Diniega, S., Elder, C.M., Ernst, C.M., Gudipati, M.S., Luspay-Kuti, A., Piqueux, S., Rymer, A.M., Roberts, J.H., Steinbrügge, G., Cable, M.L., Scully, J.E.C., Castillo-Rogez, J.C., Hay, H.C.F.C., Persaud, D.M., Glein, C.R., McKinnon, W.B., Moore, J.M., Raymond, C.A., Schroeder, D.M., Vance, S.D., Wyrick, D.Y., Zolotov, M.Y., Hand, K.P., Nimmo, F., McGrath, M.A., Spencer, J.R., Lunine, J.I., Paty, C.S., Soderblom, J.M., Collins, G.C., Schmidt, B.E., Rathbun, J.A., Shock, E.L., Becker, T.C., Hayes, A.G., Prockter, L.M., Weiss, B.P., Hibbitts, C.A., Moussessian, A., Brockwell, T.G., Hsu, H.-W., Jia, X., Gladstone, G.R., McEwen, A.S., Patterson, G.W., McNutt, R.L., Evans, J.P., Larson, T.W., Cangahuala, L.A., Havens, G.G., Buffington, B.B., Bradley, B., Campagnola, S., Hardman, S.H., Srinivasan, J.M., Short, K.L., Jedrey, T.C., St. Vaughn, J.A., Clark, K.P., Vertesi, J., Niebur, C. (2024) Science overview of the Europa Clipper mission, Space Sci. Rev., 220, 40.

179. Fu, R. R., N. Drabon, B. P. *Weiss, C. Borlina, H. Kirkpatrick (2024) Statistical reanalysis of Archean zircon paleointensities: No evidence for stagnant-lid tectonics, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 634, 118679.

178. *Weiss, B. P. and L. T. Elkins-Tanton (2024) Psyche: Journey to a metal world, Physics Today, 77, 54-55.

177. Zorzano, M.-P., G. Martínez, J. Polkko, L. Tamppari, C. Newman, H. Savijärvi, Y. Goreva, D. Viudez, T. Bertrand, M. Smith, E. M. Hausrath, S. Siljeström, K. Benison, T. Bosak, A. D. Czaja, V. Debaille, C. D. K. Herd, L. Mayhew, M. A. Sephton, D. Shuster, J. I. Simon, B. *Weiss, N. Randazzo, L. Mandon, A. Brown, M. H. Hecht, J. Martínez-Frías (2024) Present-day thermal and water activity environment of the Mars Sample Return collection, Sci. Rep., 14, 7175.

176. *Nichols, C., B. P. *Weiss, A. E. Eyster, C. R. *Martin, A. C. Maloof, N. M. Kelly, M. J. Zawaski, S. J. Mojzsis, B. Watson, D. J. Cherniak (2024) Possible Eoarchean records of the geomagnetic field preserved in the Isua Supracrustal Belt, southern west Greenland, J. Geophys. Res., 129, e2023JB027706.

**See new stories from MIT, Oxford, and Nature

175. Mangold, N., Caravaca, G., Gupta, S., Williams, R.M.E., Dromart, G., Gasnault, O., Le Mouélic, S., Paar, G., Bell, J., Beyssac, O., Carlot, N., Cousin, A., Dehouck, E., Horgan, B., Kah, L.C., Lasue, J., Maurice, S., Núñez, J.I., Shuster, D., Stack, K.M.,, *Weiss, B.P., Wiens, R.C. (2024) Architecture of fluvial and deltaic deposits, exposed along the eastern edge of the western fan of Jezero crater, Mars, J. Geophys. Res., 129, e2023JE008204.

174. Dibb, S. D., E. Asphaug, J. F. Bell III, R. P. Binzel, W. F. Bottke, S. *Cambioni, J. M. Christoph, L. T. Elkins-Tanton, R. Jaumann, D. J. Lawrence, R. *Oran, J. G. O’Rourke, C. Polanskey, B. P. *Weiss, M. Wieczorek, D. A. Williams (2024) A preflight summary of the science of NASA’s Psyche mission, AGU Adv., 5, e2023AV001077..

173. de Soria-Santacruz, M., H. A. Bates-Tarasewicz, W. S. Chhit, K. D. Cloutier, C. N. Colley, J. Erwin, D. J. Michaels, K. G. Sukhatme, N. Z. Warner, M. Wilkerson, B. P. *Weiss, J. *Ream, D. J. Lawrence, J. M. G. Merayo, J. F. Bell III, L. T. Elkins-Tanton, M. Walworth, A. Winhold (2024) Systems engineering of the Psyche payload, 2024 IEEE Aerospace Conf., doi:0.1109/AERO58975.2024.10521291.

172. *Weiss, B. P., E. N. *Mansbach, J. L. Carsten, K. W. Kaplan, J. N. Maki, R. C. Wiens, T. Bosak, C. L. Collins, J. Fentress, J. M. Feinberg, Y. Goreva, M. K. Wu, T. A. Estlin, D. E. Klein, R. E. Kronyak, R. C. Moeller, N. Peper, A. Reyes-Newell, M. A. Sephton, D. L. Shuster, J. I. Simon, K. H. Williford, K. W. Stack, and K. A. Farley (2024) Oriented bedrock samples drilled by the Perseverance rover on Mars, Earth Space Sci., 11, e2023EA003322.

**See MIT News story:

171. Wieczorek, M. A., B. P. *Weiss, D. Breuer, D. Cébron, M. Fuller, I. Garrick-Bethell, J. Gattacceca, J. S. Halekas, D. J. Hemingway, L. L. Hood, M. Laneuville, F. Nimmo, R. Oran, M. E. Purucker, T. Ruckriemen, K. M. Soderlund, S. M. Tikoo (2023) Lunar magnetism, in New Views of the Moon 2, Rev. Mineral Geochem., 89, 207-241.

170. *Mansbach, E. N., B. P. *Weiss, N. R. Schnepf, E. A. *Lima, C. S. *Borlina, N. Chatterjee, J. Gattacceca, M. Uehara, H. *Wang (2023) Magnetism of the Acapulco primitive achondrite and implications for the evolution of partially differentiated bodies, J. Geophys. Res., 128, e2023JE008076.

169. *Martin, C. R., O. Jagoutz, R. Upadhyay, J. A. van Tongeren, P. A. Mueller, and B. P. *Weiss (2023) Paleomagnetic constraints on the age of the Shyok Suture Zone, J. Geophys. Res., 128, e2022JB026137.

168. Watson, E. B., D. J. Cherniak, C. I. O. *Nichols, and B. P. *Weiss (2023) Pb diffusion in magnetite: Dating magnetite crystallization and the timing of remanent magnetization in banded iron formation, Chem. Geol., 640, 121748.

167. Kivelson, M. G., X. Jia, K. A. Lee, C. A. Raymond, K. K. Khurana, M. O. Perley, J. B. *Biersteker, J. Blacksberg, R. Caron, C. J. Cochrane, O. R. Dawson, C. D. K. Harris, J. E. Jones, S. Joy, H. Korth, J. Liu, E. Maghsoudi, N. Murphy, D. Parsley, D. R. Pierce, C. Racho, I. Richter, C. T. Russell, S. Sherman, R. J. Strangeway, M. Villarreal, B. P. *Weiss and L. Wigglesworth (2023) The Europa Clipper Magnetometer, Space Sci. Rev., 219, 48.

166. Roberts, J. H., W. B. McKinnon, C. M. Elder, G. Tobie, J. B. *Biersteker, D. Young, R. S. Park, G. Steinbrügge, F. Nimmo, S. M. Howell, J. C. Castillo-Rogez, M. L. Cable, J. N. Abrahams, M. T. Bland, C. Chivers, C. J. Cochrane, A. J. Dombard, C. Ernst, A. Genova, C. Gerekos, C. Glein, C. D. Harris, H. C.F.C. Hay, P. O. Hayne, M. Hedman, H. Hussman, X. Jia, K. Khurana, W. S. Kiefer, R. Kirk, M. Kivelson, J. Lawrence, E. J. Leonard, J. I. Lunine, E. Mazarico, T. B. McCord2, A. McEwen, C. Paty, L. C. Quick, C. A. Raymond, K. D. Retherford, L. Roth, A. Rymer, J. Saur, Kirk Scanlan, D. M. Schroeder, D. A. Senske, W. Shao, K. Soderlund, E. Spiers, M. J. Styczinski, P. Tortora, S. D. Vance, M. N. Villarreal, B. P. *Weiss, J. H. Westlake, P. Withers, N. Wolfenbarger, B. Buratti, H. Korth, R. T. Pappalardo, and the Interior Thematic Working Group (2023) Exploring the interior of Europa with the Europa Clipper, Space Sci. Rev., 219, 46.

165. Kasbohm, J., B. Schoene, S. A. Mclennan, D. A. D. Evans, and B. P. *Weiss (2023) Paleogeography and high-precision geochronology of the Neoarchean Fortescue Group, Pilbara, Western Australia, Precambrian Res., 394, 107114.

164. Quantin-Nataf, C., S. Alwmark, F. J. Calef,  J. Lasue, K. Kinch, K.M. Stack, V. Sun, N. R. Williams, E. Dehouck, L. Mandon, N. Mangold, O. Beyssac, E. Clave, S. H. G. Walter, J.I. Simon, A. M. Annex, B. Horgan, J. W. Rice, Jr., D. Shuster, B. Cohen, L. Kah, Steven Sholes, B. P. *Weiss (2023) The complex exhumation history of Jezero Crater Floor Unit and its implication for Mars sample return, J. Geophys. Res., 128, e2022JE007628.

163. Cochrane, C. J., N. Murphy, C. A. Raymond, J. B. *Biersteker, K. Dang, X. Jia, H. Korth, P. Narvaez, J. B. *Ream, B. P. *Weiss (2023) Magnetic field modeling and visualization of the Europa Clipper spacecraft, Space Sci. Rev., 219, 34.

162. *Lima, E. A., B. P. *Weiss, C. S. *Borina, L. Baratchart, D. P. Hardin (2023) Estimating the net magnetic moment of geological samples from planar field maps using multipoles, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 24, e2022GC010724.

161. Vervelidou, F., B. P. Weiss, and F. Lagroix (2023) Hand magnets and the destruction of ancient meteorite magnetism, J. Geophys. Res., 128, e2022JE007464.**

**See news article in Science

160. *Biersteker, J. B., B. P. *Weiss, C. J. Cochrane, C. D. K. Harris, X. Jia, K. K. Khurana, J. Liu, N. Murphy, C. A. Raymond (2022) Revealing the interior structure of icy moons with a Bayesian approach to magnetic induction measurements, Planet. Sci. J., , Planet. Sci. J., 4, 62.

159. Tominaga, M., A. Beinlich, E. A. *Lima, P. Pruett, N. R. Vento, B. P. *Weiss (2023) High-resolution magnetic-geochemical mapping of the serpentinized and carbonated Atlin ophiolite, British Columbia: toward establishing magnetometry as a monitoring tool for in situ mineral carbonation, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 24, e2022GC010730.

158. *Weiss, B. P., J. M. G. Merayo, J. B. *Ream, R. *Oran, P. Brauer, C. J. Cochrane, K. Cloutier, L. T. Elkins-Tanton, J. L. Jørgensen, C. *Maurel, R. S. Park, C. A. Polanskey, M. de Soria Santacruz-Pich, C. A. Raymond, C. T. Russell, D. Wenkert, M. A. Wieczorek, M. T. Zuber (2022) The Psyche Magnetometry Investigation, Space Sci. Rev., 219, 22.

157. Simon, J. B., K. Hickman-Lewis, B. A. Cohen, L. E. Mayhew, D. L. Shuster, V. Debaille, E. M. Hausrath, B. P. *Weiss, T. Bosak, M.-P. Zorzano, H. E. F. Amundsen, L. W. Beegle, J. F. Bell III, K. C. Benison, E. L. Berger, O. Beyssac, A. J. Brown, F. Calef, T. M. Casademont, B. Clark, E. Clavé, L. Crumpler, A. D. Czaja, A. G. Fairén, K. A. Farley, D. T. Flannery, T. Fornaro, O. Forni, F. Gómez, Y. Goreva, A. Gorin, K. P. Hand, S.-E. Hamran, J. Henneke, C. D. K. Herd, B. H. N. Horgan, J. R. Johnson, J. Joseph, R. E. Kronyak, J. M. Madariaga, J. N. Maki, L. Mandon, F. M. McCubbin, S. M. McLennan, R. C. Moeller, C. E. Newman, J. I. Núñez, A. C. Pascuzzo, D. A. Pedersen, G. Poggiali, P. Pinet, C. Quantin-Nataf, M. Rice, J. W. Rice Jr., C. Royer, M. Schmidt, M. Sephton, S. Sharma, S. Siljeström, K. M. Stack, A. Steele, V. Z. Sun, A. Udry, S. VanBommel, M. Wadhwa, R. C. Wiens, A. J. Williams, and K. H. Williford (2023) Samples collected from the floor of Jezero Crater with the Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover, J. Geophys. Res.,**

**Within top 10% most-cited papers published during 1/1/2022 - 12/31/2022 (Clarivate Analytics)

156. Taylor, R. J., S. M. Reddy, D. W. Saxey, W. D. A. Rickard, F. Tang, C. S. *Borlina, R. R. Fu, B. P. *Weiss, P. Bagot, H. M. Williams, R. J. Harrison (2023) Direct age constraints on the magnetism of Jack Hills zircon, Sci. Adv., 9, eadd151.

155. Castillo-Rogez, J., B. *Weiss, C. Beddingfield, J. *Biersteker, R. Cartwright, A. *Goode, M. Melwani Daswami, M. Neveu (2023) Compositions and interior structures of the large moons of Uranus and implications for future spacecraft observations, J. Geophys. Res., 128, e2022JE007432.**

**Within top 10% most-cited papers published during 1/1/2022 - 12/31/2022 (Clarivate Analytics)

          **See news article in Eos:

154. Bell, J. F., J. N. Maki, S. Alwmark, B. L. Ehlmann, S. A. Fagents, J. P. Grotzinger, S. Gupta, A. Hayes, K. E. Herkenhoff, B. H. N. Horgan, J. R. Johnson, K. B. Kinch, M. T. Lemmon, M. B. Madsen, J. I. Núñez, G. Paar, M. Rice, J. W. Rice, N. Schmitz, R. Sullivan, A. Vaughan, M. J. Wolff, A. Bechtold, T. Bosak, L. E. Duflot, A. G. Fairén, B. Garczynski, R. Jaumann, M. Merusi, C. Million, E. Ravanis, D. L. Shuster, J. Simon, M. St. Clair, C. Tate, S. Walter, B. *Weiss, A. M. Bailey, T. Bertrand, O. Beyssac, A. J. Brown, P. Caballo-Perucha, M. A. Caplinger, C. M. Caudill, F. Cary, E. Cisneros, E. A. Cloutis, N. Cluff, P. Corlies, K. Crawford, S. Curtis, R. Deen, D. Dixon, C. Donaldson, M. Barrington, M. Ficht, S. Fleron, M. Hansen, D. Harker, R. Howson, J. Huggett, S. Jacob, E. Jensen, O. B. Jensen, M. Jodhpurkar, J. Joseph, C. Juarez, L. C. Kah, O. Kanine, J. Kristensen, T. Kubacki, K. Lapo, A. Magee, M. Maimone, G. L. Mehall, L. Mehall, J. Mollerup, D. Viúdez-Moreiras, K. Paris, K. E. Powell, F. Preusker, J. Proton, C. Rojas, D. Sallurday, K. Saxton, E. Scheller, C. H. Seeger, M. Starr, N. Stein, N. Turenne, J. Van Beek, A. G. Winhold and R. Yingling (2022) Geological, multispectral and meteorological imaging results from the Mars 2020 Perseverance rover in Jezero crater, Sci. Adv., 8, eabo4856..

153. Scheller, E. L., J. Razzell Hollis, E. L. Cardarelli, A. Steele, L. W. Beegle, R. Bhartia, P. Conrad, K. Uckert, S. Sharma, B. L. Ehlmann, W. J. Abbey, S. A. Asher, K. C. Benison, E. L. Berger, O. Beyssac, B. L. Bleefeld, T. Bosak, A. J. Brown, A. S. Burton, S. V. Bykov, E. Cloutis, A. G. Fairén, L. DeFlores, K. A. Farley, D. M. Fey, T. Fornaro, A. C. Fox, M. Fries, K. Hickman-Lewis, W. F. Hug, J. E. Huggett, S. Imbeah, R. S. Jakubek, L. C. Kah, P. Kelemen, M. R. Kennedy, T. Kizovski, C. Lee, Y. Liu, L. Mandon, F. M. McCubbin, K. R. Moore, B. E. Nixon, J. I. Núñez, C. Rodriguez Sanchez-Vahamonde, R. D. Roppel, M. Schulte, M. A. Sephton, S. K. Sharma, S. Siljeström, S. Shkolyar, D. L. Shuster, J. I. Simon, R. J. Smith, K. M. Stack, K. Steadman, B. P. *Weiss, A. Werynski, A. J. Williams, R. C. Wiens, K. H. Williford, K. Winchell, B. Wogsland, A. Yanchilina, R. Yingling and M.-P. Zorzano (2022) Aqueous alteration processes in Jezero crater, Mars—implications for organic geochemistry, Mars, Science, 378, 1105–1110.; supplementary material

153. Courville, S. W., J. G. O’Rourke, J. C. Castillo-Rogez, R. R. Fu, R. *Oran, B. P. *Weiss, L. T. Elkins-Tanton (2022) Acquisition and preservation of remanent magnetization in carbonaceous asteroids, Nat. Astron.,

151. Farley, K. F., K. M. Stack, D. L. Shuster, B. H. N. Horgan, J. A. Hurowitz, J. D. Tarnas, J. I. Simon, V. Z. Sun, E. L. Scheller, K. R. Moore, S. M. McLennan, P. M. Vasconcelos, R. C. Wiens, A. H. Treiman, L. E. Mayhew, O. Beyssac, T. V. Kizovski, N. J. Tosca, K. H. Williford, L. S. Crumpler, L. W. Beegle, J. F. Bell, B. L. Ehlmann, Y. Liu, J. N. Maki, M. E. Schmidt, A. C. Allwood, H. E. F. Amundsen, R. Bhartia, T. Bosak, A. J. Brown, B. C. Clark, A. Cousin, O. Forni, T. S. J. Gabriel, Y. Goreva, S. Gupta, S.-E. Hamran, C. D. K. Herd, K. Hickman-Lewis, J. R. Johnson, L. C. Kah, P. B. Kelemen, K. B. Kinch, L. Mandon, N. Mangold, C. Quantin-Nataf, M. S. Rice, P. S. Russell, S. Sharma, S. Siljeström, A. Steele, R. Sullivan, M. Wadhwa, B. P. *Weiss, A. J. Williams, B. V. Wogsland, P. A. Willis, T. A. Acosta-Maeda, P. Beck, K. Benzerara, S. Bernard, A. S. Burton, E. L. Cardarelli, B. Chide, E. Clavé, E. A. Cloutis, B. A. Cohen, A. D. Czaja, V. Debaille, E. Dehouck, A. G. Fairén, D. T. Flannery, S. Z. Fleron, T. Fouchet, J. Frydenvang, B. J. Garczynski, E. F. Gibbons, E. M. Hausrath, A. G. Hayes, J. Henneke, J. L. Jørgensen, E. M. Kelly, J. Lasue, S. Le Mouélic, J. M. Madariaga, S. Maurice, M. Merusi, P.-Y. Meslin, S. M. Milkovich, C. C. Million, R. C. Moeller, J. I. Núñez, A. M. Ollila, G. Paar, D. A. Paige, D. A. K. Pedersen, P. Pilleri, C. Pilorget, P. C. Pinet, J. W. Rice, C. Royer, V. Sautter, M. Schulte, M. A. Sephton, S. K. Sharma, S. F. Sholes, N. Spanovich, M. St. Clair, C. D. Tate, K. Uckert, S. J. VanBommel, A. G. Yanchilina and M.-P. Zorzano (2022) Aqueously altered igneous rocks on the floor of Jezero crater, Mars, Science, 377, eabo2196.

150. Liu, Y., M. M. Tice, M. E. Schmidt, A. H. Treiman, T. V. Kizovski, J. A. Hurowitz, A. C. Allwood, J. Henneke, D. A. K. Pedersen, S. J. VanBommel, M. W. M. Jones, A. L. Knight, B. J. Orenstein, B. C. Clark, W. T. Elam, C. M. Heirwegh, T. Barber, L. W. Beegle, K. Benzerara, S. Bernard, O. Beyssac, T. Bosak, A. J. Brown, E. L. Cardarelli, D. C. Catling, J. R. Christian, E. A. Cloutis, B. A. Cohen, S. Davidoff, A. G. Fairén, K. A. Farley, D. T. Flannery, A. Galvin, J. P. Grotzinger, S. Gupta, J. Hall, C. D. K. Herd, K. Hickman-Lewis, R. P. Hodyss, B. H. N. Horgan, J. R. Johnson, J. L. Jørgensen, L. C. Kah, J. N. Maki, L. Mandon, N. Mangold, F. M. McCubbin, S. M. McLennan, K. Moore, M. Nachon, P. Nemere, L. D. Nothdurft, J. I. Núñez, L. O’Neil, C. M. Quantin-Nataf, V. Sautter, D. L. Shuster, K. L. Siebach, J. I. Simon, K. P. Sinclair, K. M. Stack, A. Steele, J. D. Tarnas, N. J. Tosca, K. Uckert, A. Udry, L. A. Wade, B. P. *Weiss, R. C. Wiens, K. H. Williford and M.-P. Zorzano (2022) An olivine cumulate outcrop on the floor of Jezero crater, Mars, Science, 377, 1513-1519.

149. Dellefant, F., C. A. Trepmann, S. A. Gilder, I. V. Sleptsova, M. Kaliwoda, B. P. *Weiss. (2022) Ilmenite and magnetite microfabrics in shocked gneisses from the Vredefort impact structure, South Africa, Contrib. Mineral. Petrol., 177, 88.

148. Wiens, R. C., A. Udry, O. Beyssac, C. Quantin-Nataf, N. Mangold, A. Cousin, L. Mandon, T. Bosak, O. Forni, S. M. McLennan, V. Sautter, A. Brown, K. Benzerara, J. R. Johnson, L. Mayhew, S. Maurice, R. B. Anderson, S. M. Clegg, L. Crumpler, T. S. J. Gabriel, P. Gasda, J. Hall, B. H. N. Horgan, L. Kah, C. Legett, J. M. Madariaga, P.-Y. Meslin, A. M. Ollila, F. Poulet, C. Royer, S. K. Sharma, S. Siljeström, J. I. Simon, T. E. Acosta-Maeda, C. Alvarez-Llamas, S. M. Angel, G. Arana, P. Beck, S. Bernard, T. Bertrand, B. Bousquet, K. Castro, B. Chide, E. Clavé, E. Cloutis, S. Connell, E. Dehouck, G. Dromart, W. Fischer, T. Fouchet, R. Francis, J. Frydenvang, O. Gasnault, E. Gibbons, S. Gupta, E. M. Hausrath, X. Jacob, H. Kalucha, E. Kelly, E. Knutsen, N. Lanza, J. Laserna, J. Lasue, S. Le Mouélic, R. Leveille, G. Lopez Reyes, R. Lorenz, J. A. Manrique, J. Martinez-Frias, T. McConnochie, N. Melikechi, D. Mimoun, F. Montmessin, J. Moros, N. Murdoch, P. Pilleri, C. Pilorget, P. Pinet, W. Rapin, F. Rull, S. Schröder, D. L. Shuster, R. J. Smith, A. E. Stott, J. Tarnas, N. Turenne, M. Veneranda, D. S. Vogt, B. P. *Weiss, P. Willis, K. M. Stack, K. H. Williford, K. A. Farley and T. S. Team (2022) Compositionally and density stratified igneous terrain in Jezero crater, Mars, Sci. Adv., 8, eabo3399.

147. *Borlina, C. S., B. P. *Weiss, J. F. J. Bryson, P. Armitage (2022) Lifetime of the outer solar system nebula from carbonaceous chondrites, J. Geophys. Res., 127, e2021JE007139.

146. Zuber, M. T., R. S. Park, L. T. Elkins-Tanton, J. Bell, K. N. Bruvold, D. Bercovici, B. R. Bills, R. P. Binzel, R. Jaumann, S. Marchi, C. A. Polanskey, C. A. Raymond, T. Roatsch, C. C. Wang, B. P. *Weiss, D. Wenkert and M. A. Wieczorek (2022) The Psyche gravity investigation, Space Sci. Rev., 218, 57.

145. Elkins-Tanton, L. T., E. Asphaug, J. F. Bell III, C. J. Bierson, B. G. Bills, W. F. Bottke, S. W. Courville, S. D. Dibb, I. Jun, D. J. Lawrence, S. Marchi, T. J. McCoy, J. M. G. Merayo, R. Oran, J. G. O’Rourke, R. S. Park, P. N. Peplowski, T. H. Prettyman, C. A. Raymond, B. P. *Weiss, M. A. Wieczorek, M. T. Zuber (2022) Distinguishing the origin of (16) Psyche, Space Sci. Rev., 218, 17.

144. Bowman, C. D. D., L. T. Elkins-Tanton, A. Talamante, Bell III, E. Cisneros, A. Cook, J. D. Frieman, D. Gainor, J. Hunziker, S. Khan, C. R. Lawler, J. Maschino, T. J. McCoy, K. Nessi, R. *Oran, D. Seal, A. Simon, R. Singh, C. M. Tolbert, K. Valentine, B. *Weiss, D. D. Wenkert, D. A. Williams (2022) Psyche student collaborations: Including undergraduates and the public on the journey to a metal world, Space Sci. Rev., submitted.

143. Marchi, S., E. Asphaug, J. Bell, W. F. Bottke, R. Jaumann, R. S. Park, C. A. Polanskey, T. Prettyman, D. A. Williams, R. Binzel, R. *Oran, B. *Weiss., C. T. Russell (2022) Determining the relative cratering ages of regions of Psyche’s surface, Space Sci. Rev., 218, 24.

142. McCoy, T. M., S. D. Dibb, P. N. Peplowski, C. *Maurel, H. L. Bercovici, C. M. Corrigan, J. F. Bell III, B. P. *Weiss, D. J. Lawrence, C. A. Polanskey, D. D. Wenkert, T. H. Prettyman, L. T. Elkins-Tanton, (2022) Deciphering the redox state for a metal-rich world, Space Sci. Rev., 218, 6.

141. *Oran, R., B. P. *Weiss, M. de Soria Santacruz-Pich, I. Jun, D. J. Lawrence, C. Polanskey, M. Ratliff, J. B. *Ream, C. T. Russell, Y. Shprits, M. T. Zuber, L. T. Elkins-Tanton and the Psyche team (2022) Maximum energies of trapped particles around magnetized planets and small bodies, Geophys. Res. Lett., 49, e2021GL097014.

140. *Ream, J. B., *Weiss, B. P., *Oran, R., Raymond, C. A., Polanskey, C. A., Wenkert, D., Elkins-Tanton, L. T., Russell, C. T. (2021) Magnetic gradiometry using frequency-domain filtering, Meas. Sci. Technol., 33, 015104.

139. *Weiss, B. P., *Biersteker, J. B., *Colicci, V., *Goode, A., Castillo-Rogez, J. C., Petropoulos, A. E., Balint, T. S. (2021) Searching for subsurface oceans on the moons of Uranus using magnetic induction, Geophys. Res. Lett., 48, e2021GL09475.

138. Mangold, N., Gupta S., Gasnault, O., Dromart,,  G.,  Tarnas, J. D., Sholes, S. F., Horgan, B., Quantin-Nataf, C., Brown, A. J., Le Mouélic, S., Yingst, R. A. , Bell9, J. F., Beyssac, O., Bosak, T., Calef III,  F., Ehlmann,  B. L., Farley, K. A., Grotzinger, J. P., Hickman-Lewis, K. Holm-Alwmark, S., Kah, L. C, Martinez-Frias, J., McLennan, S. M., Maurice, S., Nunez, J. I., Ollila, A. M., Pilleri, P., Rice Jr., J. W., Rice, M., Simon, J. I. , Shuster, D. L., Stack, K. M., Sun, V. Z., Treiman, A. H., *Weiss, B. P. , Wiens, R. C., Williams, A. J., Williams, N. R., Williford, K. H. (2021) Perseverance rover reveals an ancient delta-lake system, Science, 10.1126/science.abl4051.

137. *Borlina, C. S., *Weiss, B. P., Bryson, J. F. J., Bai, X.-N., *Lima, E. A., Chatterjee, N., *Mansbach, E. N. (2021) Paleomagnetic evidence for a disk substructure in the early solar system, Sci. Adv., 7, eabj6928.

136. *Nichols, C. I. O., B. P. *Weiss, B. L. *Getzin, H. H. Schmitt, A. Béguin, A. S. P. Rae, J. *Shah (2021) The palaeoinclination of the ancient lunar magnetic field from an Apollo 17 basalt, Nat. Astron., 5, 1216–1223.

135. *Nichols, C. I. O., J. F. J. Bryson, R. D. Cottrell, R. R. Fu, R. J. Harrison, J. Herrero-Alibillos, F. Kronast, J. A. Tarduno, B. P. *Weiss (2021) A time-resolved paleomagnetic record of main group pallasites: Evidence for a large-cored, thin-mantled parent body, J. Geophys. Res., 126, e2021JE006900.

134. *Weiss, B. P. and W. F. Bottke (2021) What can meteorites tell us about the formation of Jupiter?, AGU Adv., 2, e2020AV000376.

133. *Maurel, C., J. F. J. Bryson, J. *Shah, R. V. Chopdekar, L. T. Elkins-Tanton, C. A. Raymond, and B. P. *Weiss (2021) A long-lived planetesimal dynamo powered by core crystallization, Geophys. Res. Lett., 48, e2020GL091917.

132. *Weiss, B. P., X.-N. Bai, R. R. Fu (2021) History of the solar nebula from meteorite paleomagnetism, Sci. Adv., 7, eaba5967.

131. *Martin, C., O. Jagoutz, R. Upadhyay, L. H. Royden, M. P. Eddy, E. E. Bailey, C. I. O. *Nichols, B. P. *Weiss (2020) Paleocene latitude of the Kohistan-Ladakah arc indicates multi-stage India-Eurasia collision, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 117, 29487-29494.

131. Aharonson, O., C. T. Russell, J. W. Head III, M. Wieczorek, I. Garrick-Bethell, B. P. *Weiss, D. E. Smith, K. Rowe, A. Grosz, S. Amrusi, A. Novoselsky, N. Nahaman, Y. Grossman, Y. Simoni, A. Gomez (2020) The science mission of SpaceIL's Beresheet lander, Planet. Space Sci., 194, 105115.

129. *Clavé, E., C. *Maurel, E. A. *Lima, J. *Shah, E. N. *Mansbach, M. Uehara, B. P. *Weiss (2020) A portable magnetometer for magnetic measurements of meter-sized meteorites, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 21, e2020GC009266..

128. de Soria-Santacruz, M., M. Soriano, O. Quintero, F. Wong, S. Hart, M. Kokorowski, B. Bone, B. Solish, D. Trofimov, E. Bradford, C. Raymond, P. Narvaez, J. *Ream, R. *Oran, B. P *Weiss, K. Ascrizzi, C. Keys, P. Lord, C. Russell, L. Elkins-Tanton (2020) An approach to magnetic cleanliness for the Psyche mission, IEEE AerospConf. Proc., doi: 10.1109/AERO47225.2020.9172801.

127. *Oran, R., B. P. *Weiss, Y. Shprits, K. Miljković, G. Toth (2020) Was the Moon magnetized by impact plasmas?, Sci. Adv., 6, eabb1475. Movie S1

126. *Maurel, C., J. F. J. Bryson, R. J. Lyons, M. R. Ball, R. V. Chopdekar, A. Scholl, F. J. Ciesla, W. F. Bottke, B. P. *Weiss (2020) Meteorite evidence for partial differentiation and protracted accretion of planetesimals, Sci. Adv., 6, eaba1303.

125. Shang, H., M. Daye, O. Sivan, C. S. *Borlina, N. Tamura, B. P. *Weiss, T. Bosak (2020) Formation of zero-valent iron in iron-reducing cultures of Methanosarcina barkeri, J. Environ. Sci. Technol., 54, 7354-7365.

124. *Bryson, J. F. J., B. P. *Weiss, J. B. *Biersteker, A. J. King, S. S. Russell (2020b) Constraints on the distances and timescales of solid migration in the early solar system from meteorite magnetism, Astrophys. J., 896, 103.

123. *Fu, R. R., P. Kehayias, B. P. *Weiss, D. L. Schrader, X.-N. Bai, J. B. Simon (2020) Weak magnetic fields in the outer solar nebula recorded in CR chondrites, J. Geophys. Res., 125, e2019JE006260.

122. *Bryson, J. F. J, B. P. *Weiss, B. *Getzin, J. N. H. *Abrahams, F. Nimmo, A. Scholl (2020a) Evidence for asteroid scattering and distal solar system solids from meteorite paleomagnetism, Astrophys. J., 892, 126.

121. Elkins-Tanton, L. T., J. F. Bell III, H. Bercovici, B. Bills, R. Binzel, W. F. Bottke, S. Dibb, D. J. Lawrence, S. Marchi, T. J. McCoy, R. Oran, R. S. Park, P. N. Peplowski, C.A. Polanskey, T. H. Prettyman, C. T. Russell, L. Schaefer, B. P. *Weiss, M. A. Wieczorek, D. A. Williams, M. T. Zuber (2020), Observations, meteorites, and models: A pre-flight assessment of the composition and formation of (16) Psyche, J. Geophys. Res., 125, e2019JE006296.

120. *Borlina, C. S., B. P. *Weiss, E. A. *Lima, F. Tang, R. J. M. Taylor, J. F. Einsle, R. J. Harrison, R. R. Fu, E. A. Bell, E. W. Alexander, H. M. Kirkpatrick, M. W. Wielicki, T. M. Harrison, A. C. Maloof (2020) Re-evaluating the evidence for a Hadean-Eoarchean dynamo, Sci. Adv., 6, eaav9634.

119. Herčik, D., H.-U. Auster, D. Constantinescu, Jürgen Blum, K.-H. Fornaçon, M. Fujimoto, K. Gebauer, J.-T. Grundmann, C. Güttler, O. Hillenmaier, T.-M. Ho, A. Hördt, C. Krause, E. Kührt, L. Lorda, A. Matsuoka, U. Motschmann, A. Moussi-Soffys, I. Richter, K. Sasak, F. Scholten, B. Stoll, B. P. Weiss, F. Wolff, K.-H. Glassmeier (2020) Magnetic properties of asteroid (162173) Ryugu, J. Geophys. Res., 125, e2019JE006035.

118. Feinberg, J. M., I. Lascu, E. A. *Lima, B. P. *Weiss, J. A. Dorale, E. C. Alexander, Jr., and R. L. Edwards (2020) Magnetic detection of paleoflood layers in stalagmites and implications for historical land use changes, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 530, 115946.

117. *Mighani, S., H. *Wang, B. P. *Weiss, D. L. Shuster, C. S. *Borlina, C. I. O. *Nichols (2020) The end of the lunar dynamo, Sci. Adv., 6, eaax0883.

116. *Eyster, A. E., B. P. *Weiss, K. Karlstrom, F. A. Macdonald (2020) Paleomagnetism of the Chuar Group and evaluation of the late Tonian Laurentian apparent polar wander path with implications for the makeup and breakup of Rodinia, Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., 132, 710-738.

115. Tartèse, R., M. Anand, J. Gattacceca, K. H. Joy, J. I. Mortimer, J. F. Pernet-Fisher, S. Russell, J. F. Snape, B. P. *Weiss (2019) Constraining the evolutionary history of the Moon and inner solar system: A case for new returned samples, Space Sci. Rev., 215, 54.

114. *Bryson, J. F. J., B. P. *Weiss, B. *Getzin, J. N. H. *Abrahams, F. Nimmo, A. Scholl (2019) Paleomagnetic evidence for a partially differentiated ordinary chondrite parent asteroid, J. Geophys. Res., 124,

113. Beaty, D. W., M. M. Grady, H. Y. McSween, E. Sefton-Nash; documentarian: B. L. Carrier; team members: F. Altieri, Y. Amelin, E. Ammannito, M. Anand, L. G. Benning, J. L. Bishop, L. E. Borg, D. Boucher, J. R. Brucato, H. Busemann, K. A. Campbell, A. D. Czaja, V. Debaille, D. J. Des Marais, M. Dixon, B. L. Ehlmann, J. D. Farmer, D. C. Fernandez-Remolar, J. Filiberto, J. Fogarty, D. P. Glavin, Y. S. Goreva, L. J. Hallis, A. D. Harrington, E. M. Hausrath, C. D. K. Herd, B. Horgan, M. Humayun, T. Kleine, J. Kleinhenz, R. Mackelprang, N. Mangold, L. E. Mayhew, J. T. McCoy, F. M. McCubbin, S. M. McLennan, D. E. Moser, F. Moynier, J. F. Mustard, P. B. Niles, G. G. Ori, F. Raulin, P. Rettberg, M. A. Rucker, N. Schmitz, S. P. Schwenzer, M. A. Sephton, R. Shaheen, Z. D. Sharp, D. L. Shuster, S. Siljestrom, C. L. Smith, J. A. Spry, A. Steele, T. D. Swindle, I. L. ten Kate, N. J. Tosca, T. Usui, M. J. Van Kranendonk, M. Wadhwa, B. P. *Weiss, S. C. Werner, F. Westall, R. M. Wheeler, J. Zipfel, and M. P. Zorzano (2019) The potential science and engineering value of samples delivered to Earth by Mars sample return: International MSR Objectives and Samples Team (iMOST), Meteorit. Planet. Sci., S1, S3-S152.

112. *Biersteker, J., B., B. P. *Weiss, P. Heinisch, D. Herčik, K.-H. Glassmeier, H.-U. Auster (2019) Implications of Philae magnetometry measurements at comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko for the outer solar system nebular field, Astrophys. J., 875, 39

111. *Maurel, C., B. P. *Weiss, and J. F. J. Bryson (2019) Meteorite cloudy zone formation as a quantitative indicator of paleomagnetic field intensities and cooling rates on planetesimals, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 513, 166-175.

110. Myre, J. M., I. Lascu, E. A. *Lima, J. M. Feinberg, M. O. Saar, B. P. *Weiss (2019) Using TNT-NN to unlock the fast full spatial inversion of large scanning magnetic microscopy datasets, Earth Planets Space, 71, 14,

109. Tang, F., R. J. M. Taylor, J. F. Einsle, C. S. *Borlina, R. R. Fu, B. P. *Weiss, H. M. Williams, W. Williams, L. Nagy, P. Midgley, E. A. *Lima, E. A. Bell, T. M. Harrison, E. Alexander, R. J. Harrison, Secondary magnetite in ancient zircon precludes analysis of a Hadean geodynamo (2019) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 116, 407-412, Click here for Movie S1 and Movie S2.

108. Mittelholz, A., A. Morschhauser, C. L. Johnson, B. Langlais, R. J. Lillis, F. Vervelidou, B. P. *Weiss (2018) The Mars 2020 candidate landing sites: A magnetic field perspective, Earth Space Sci., 5,

107. Fu, R. R., B. P. *Weiss, D. L. Schrader, B. C. Johnson (2017) Records of magnetic fields in the chondrule formation environment, in Chondrules: Records of Protoplanetary Disk Processes, Eds. Russell, S.S., H.  C. Connolly Jr., A. N. Krot, Cambridge University Press (Cambridge, UK), pp. 324-330,

106. Mai, C., Desch, S. J., Boley, A. C., Weiss, B. P. (2018) Magnetic fields recorded by chondrules formed in nebular shocks, Astrophys. J.857, 96.

105. *Weiss, B. P., R. R. Fu, J. F. Einsle, D. R. Glenn, P. Kehayias, E. A. Bell, J. Gelb, J. F. D. F. Araujo, E. A. *Lima, C. S. *Borlina, P. Boehnke, D. N. Johnstone, T. M. Harrison, R. L. Walsworth (2018) Secondary magnetic inclusions in detrital zircons from the Jack Hills, Western Australia and implications for the origin of the geodynamo, Geology, 46, 427-430.**

**See Research Focus by David Evans.

104. *Oran, R., B. P. *Weiss, and O. Cohen (2018) Were chondrites magnetized by the early solar wind? Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 492, 222-231.

103. Tominaga, M.,A. Beinlich, E. A. *Lima, M. A. Tivey, B. Hampton, B. *Weiss, Y. Harigane (2017) Multi-scale magnetic mapping of serpentinite carbonation, Nature Commun., 8, doi:10.1038/s41467-017-01610-4.

102. Glenn, D. R., R. R. *Fu, P. Kehayias, D. Le Sage, E. A. *Lima, B. P. *Weiss, R. L. Walsworth (2017) Micrometer-scale magnetic imaging of geological samples using a quantum diamond microscope, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 18, doi:10.1002/2017GC006946.**

**Top cited paper published in Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems during the period January 2017 to December 2018

101. *Tikoo, S. M., B. P. *Weiss, D. L. Shuster, C. *Suavet, H. *Wang, T. L. Grove (2017) A two-billion-year history for the lunar dynamo, Sci. Adv., 3, e1700207.

**See: MIT News story and Science Friday episode.

100. *Bryson, J. F. J., R. Harrison, J. A. Neufeld, F. Nimmo, J. Herrero-Albillos, F. Kronast, B. P. *Weiss (2017) Paleomagnetic evidence for dynamo activity driven by inward crystallisation of a metallic core, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 472, 152-163.

99.  *Weiss, B. P., H. Wang*, T. G. Sharp, J. Gattacceca, D. L. Shuster, B. Downey, J. Hu, R. R. *Fu, A. T. Kuan, C. *Suavet, A. J. Irving, J. Wang, J. Wang (2017) A nonmagnetic differentiated early planetary body, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.468, 119-132.

98. *Wang, H., B. P. *Weiss, X.-N. Bai, B. G. *Downey, J. Wang, Y. K. Chen-Wiegart, J. Wang, C. *Suavet, R. R. *Fu, M. E. Zucolotto (2017) Lifetime of the solar nebula constrained by meteorite paleomagnetism, Science, 355, 623-627.

97. Schmitt, H. H., N. E. Petro, R. A. Wells, M. S. Robinson, B. P. *Weiss, C. M. Mercer (2017) Revisiting the field geology of Taurus-Littrow, Icarus, 298, 2-33.

96. *Weiss, B. P. (2017) Planetesimals, in Planetesimals: Early Differentiation and Consequences for Planets, L. T. Elkins-Tanton and B. P. Weiss, Eds., Cambridge University Press (Cambridge, UK) pp. 1-4.

95. Scheinberg, A., R. R. *Fu, L. T. Elkins-Tanton, B. P. *Weiss, S. Stanley (2017) Magnetic fields on asteroids and planetesimals, in Planetesimals: Early Differentiation and Consequences for Planets, L. T. Elkins-Tanton and B. P. Weiss, Eds., Cambridge University Press (Cambridge, UK) pp. 180-203.

94. Harrison, R. J., J. F. J. *Bryson, B. P. *Weiss (2017) Magnetic mineralogy of meteoritic metal: paleomagnetic evidence for dynamo activity on differentiated planetesimals, in Planetesimals: Early Differentiation and Consequences for Planets, L. T. Elkins-Tanton and B. P. Weiss, Eds., Cambridge University Press (Cambridge, UK) pp. 204-223.

93. Garrick-Bethell, I., B. P. *Weiss, D. L. Shuster, S. M. Tikoo (2016) Further evidence for early lunar magnetism from troctolite 76535, J. Geophys. Res., 121, doi:10.1002/2016JE005154.

92. Ehlmann, B. L., F. S. Anderson, J. Andrews-Hanna, J. Carter, D. C. Catling, P. R. Christensen, B. A. Cohen, C. D. Dressing, C. S. Edwards, L. T. Elkins-Tanton, K. A. Farley, C. I. Fassett, W. W. Fischer, A. A. Fraeman, M. P. Golombek, V. E. Hamilton, A. G. Hayes, C. D. K. Herd, B. Horgan, R. Hu, B. M. Jakosky, J. R. Johnson, J. F. Kasting, L. Kerber, K. M. Kinch, E. S. Kite, H. A. Knutson, J. I. Lunine, P. R. Mahaffy, N. Mangold, F. M. McCubbin, J. F. Mustard, P. B. Niles, C. Quantin-Nataf, M. S. Rice, K. M. Stack, D. J. Stevenson, S. T. Stewart, M. J. Toplis, T. Usui, B. P. Weiss, S. C. Werner, R. D. Wordsworth, J. J. Wray, R. A. Yingst, Y. L. Yung, K. J. Zahnle (2016) The sustainability of habitability on terrestrial planets: Insights, questions, and needed measurements from Mars for understanding the evolution of Earth-like worlds (2016) J. Geophys. Res., 121, 1927-1961.

91. *Fu, R. R., B. P. *Weiss, E. A. *Lima, P. Kehayias, J. F. D. F. Araujo, D. R. Glenn, J. Gelb, J. F. Einsle, A. M. Bauer, R. J. Harrison, G. A. H. Ali, R. L. Walsworth (2017) Evaluating the paleomagnetic potential of single zircon crystals using the Bishop Tuff, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 458, 1-13.

90. *Gattacceca, J., B. P. *Weiss, M. Gounelle (2016) New constraints on the magnetic history of the CV parent body and the solar nebula from the Kaba meteorite, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 455, 166-175.

89. *Eyster, A., R. R. *Fu, J. V. Strauss, B. P. *Weiss, C. F. Roots, G. P. Halverson, D. A. D. Evans, F. A. MacDonald (2016) ­­­­­­­­­Paleomagnetic evidence for a large rotation of the Yukon block relative to Laurentia: Implications for a low-latitude Sturtian glaciation and the breakup of Rodinia, Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., doi: 10.1130/B31425.1.

88. *Lima, E. A. and B. P. *Weiss (2016) Ultra-high sensitivity moment magnetometry of geological samples using magnetic microscopy, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 17, doi:10.1002/2016GC006487.

87.  *Weiss, B. P., Maloof, A. C., Harrison, T. M., Swanson-Hysell, N. L., Fu, R. R., Kirschvink, J. L., Watson, E. B., Coe, R. S., Tikoo, S. M., Ramezani, J. (2016) Reply to Comment on “Pervasive remagnetization of detrital zircon host rocks in the Jack Hills, Western Australia and implications for records of the early geodynamo”, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 450, 409-412.

86.  Einsle, J. F., R. J. Harrison, T. Kasama, P. Ó Conbhuí, K. Fabian, W. Williams, L. Woodland, R. R. Fu, B. P. *Weiss, P. A. Midgley (2016) Multi-scale 3-dimensional characterisation of iron particles in dusty olivine: implications for paleomagnetism of chondritic meteorites, Am. Mineral., 101, 2070-2084.

85. Trail, D., D. J. Cherniak, E. B. Watson, T. M. Harrison, B. P. *Weiss, I. Szumila (2016) Li zoning in zircon as a potential geospeedometer and peak temperature indicator, Contrib. Mineral. Petrol., 171, doi:10.1007/s00410-016-1238-8.

84. Herčik, D., H.-U. Auster, J. Blum, K.-H. Fornaçon, M. Fujimoto, K. Gebauer, C. Güttler, O. Hillenmaier, A. Hördt, E. Liebert, A. Matsuoka, R. Nomura, I. Richter, B. Stoll, B. P. *Weiss, K.-H. Glassmeier (2016) MasMag: The MASCOT magnetometer experiment, Space Sci. Rev., doi: 10.1007/s11214-016-0236-5

83. Scheinberg, A., R. R. *Fu, L. T. Elkins-Tanton, B. P. *Weiss (2015) Asteroid differentiation: Hydrous and silicate melting and large-scale structure, in Asteroids IV, P. Michel, F. DeMelo, and W. F. Bottke, Eds., University of Arizona Press, 533-552.

82. *Buz, J., B. P. *Weiss, S. M. Tikoo, D. L. Shuster, J. Gattacceca, T. L. Grove (2015) Magnetism of a very young lunar glass, J. Geophys. Res., 120, doi:10.1002/2015JE004878.

81. *Tikoo, S. M., J. Gattacceca, N. L. Swanson-Hysell, B. P. Weiss, C. Suavet, C. Cournède (2015) Preservation and detectability of shock-induced magnetization, J. Geophys. Res., 120, doi: 10.1002/2015JE004840.

80. *Weiss, B. P., Maloof, A. C., Tailby, N. D., Ramezani, J., *Fu, R. R., *Hanus, V., Trail, D., Watson, E. B., Harrison, T. M., Bowring, S. A., Kirschvink, J. L., Swanson-Hysell, N. L., Coe, R. S. (2015) Pervasive remagnetization of detrital zircon host rocks in the Jack Hills, Western Australia and implications for records of the early geodynamo, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 430, 115-128.

79. Balikhin, M. A., Y. Y. Shprits, S. N. Walker, L. Chen, N. Cornilleau-Wehrlin, I. Dandouras, O. Santolik, C. Carr, K. H. Yearby, B. *Weiss (2015) Observations of discrete harmonics emerging from equatorial noise, Nature Commun., 6, doi: 10.1038/ncomms8703

78. *Bradley, K., B. P. *Weiss, and R. Buick (2015) Records of geomagnetism, climate, and tectonics across a Paleoarchean erosion surface, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 413, 1-13 (supplementary material available here).

77. *Black, B. A., B. P. *Weiss, L. T. Elkins-Tanton, R. V. Veselovskiy, and A. Latyshev (2015) Siberian Traps volcaniclastic rocks and the role of magma-water interactions, Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., 127, 1437-1452.

76. Cournède, C., J. Gattacceca, M. Gounelle, P. Rochette, B. P. *Weiss, B. Zanda (2014) An early solar system magnetic field recorded in CM chondrites, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 410, 62-74 (supplementary material available here).

75. *Weiss, B. P. and S. M. Tikoo (2014) The lunar dynamo, Science, 346, 1246753, doi: 10.1126/science.1246753 (supplementary material available here).

74.  *Fu, R. R., B. P. *Weiss, E. A. *Lima, R. J. Harrison, X.-N. Bai, D. S. Ebel, C. *Suavet, H. *Wang, D. Glenn, D. Le Sage, T. Kasama, S. J. Desch, R. L. Walsworth, A. T. Kuan (2014) Solar nebula magnetic fields recorded by the Semarkona meteorite, Science, 346, 1089-1092 (supplementary material available here).

73. Chen, A. P., V. M. Berounsky, M. K. Chan, M.G. Blackford, C. Cady, B. M. Moskowitz, P. Kraal, E. A. *Lima. R. E. Kopp, G. R. Lumpkin, B. P. *Weiss, P. Hesse, N. G. F. Vella (2014) Magnetic properties of uncultivated magnetotactic bacteria and their contribution to a stratified estuary iron cycle, Nature Commun., 5, doi:10.1038/ncomms579.

72. *Lima, E. A., A. C. Bruno, H. R. Carvalho, and B. P. *Weiss (2014) Scanning magnetic tunnel junction microscope for high-resolution imaging of remanent magnetization fields, Meas. Sci. Technol., 25, 105401, doi:10.1088/0957-0233/25/10/105401** 

        **Institute of Physics (IOP) Select Paper, chosen for its “novelty, significance and potential impact on future research” 

        **Outstanding Paper Award, Measurement Science and Technology

71. *Tikoo, S. M., B. P. *Weiss, W. S. Cassata, D. L. Shuster, J. Gattacceca, E. A. *Lima, C. *Suavet, F. Nimmo, and M. D. Fuller (2014) Decline of the lunar core dynamo, Earth. Planet. Sci. Lett., 404, 89-97 (supplementary material available here).

70. *Fu, R. R., E. A. Lima, B. P. Weiss (2014) No nebular magnetization in the Allende CV carbonaceous chondrite, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 404, 54-66 (supplementary material available here).

69. *Suavet, C., B. P. *Weiss, and T. L. Grove (2014) Controlled-atmosphere thermal demagnetization and paleointensity analyses of extraterrestrial rocks, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 15, doi:10.1002/2013GC005215 (supplementary material available here).

68. Evans, A. J., M. T. Zuber, B. P. *Weiss, and S. M. *Tikoo (2014) A wet, heterogeneous lunar interior: Lower mantle and core dynamo evolution, J. Geophys. Res., 119, 1061–1077, doi:10.1002/2013JE004494.

67. *Gattacceca, J., C. *Suavet, P. Rochette, B. P. *Weiss, M. Winkelhofer, M. Uehara, J. M. Friedrich (2014) Metal phases in ordinary chondrites: Magnetic hysteresis properties and implications for thermal history, Meteorit. Planet. Sci., 49, 652-676.

66. *Fu, R. R. and B. P. *Weiss (2013) An ancient magnetic field on asteroid Vesta, Meteorite Magazine, 19, 28-32.

65. *Bradley, K., Vassilakis, E., B. P. *Weiss, and L. Royden (2013) A re-assessment of the shallow paleomagnetic inclinations of the western Cyclades, Greece, Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece, XLVII, 2, 498-505.

64. *Lima, E. A., B. P. *Weiss, L. Baratchart, D. P. Hardin, E. B. Saff (2013) Fast inversion of magnetic field maps of unidirectional planar geological magnetization J. Geophys. Res., 118, 2723-2752.

63. *Suavet, C., B. P. *Weiss, W. S. Cassata, D. L. Shuster, J. Gattacceca, L. Chan, I. Garrick-Bethell, J. W. Head, T. L. Grove, and M. D. Fuller (2013) Persistence and origin of the lunar core dynamo, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 110, 8453-8458.

62. *Weiss, B. P. and L. T. Elkins-Tanton (2013) Differentiated planetesimals and the parent bodies of chondrites, Annu. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci., 41, 529-560.

60. *Bradley, K. E., E. Vassilakis, A. Hosa, and B. P. *Weiss (2013) Segmentation of the Hellenides recorded by Pliocene initiation of clockwise block rotation in Central Greece, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 362, 6-19.

59. Baratchart, L., D. P. Hardin, E. A. *Lima, E. B. Saff, and B. P. *Weiss (2013) Characterizing kernels of operators related to thin plate magnetizations via generalizations of Hodge decompositions, Inverse Problems, 29, 015004.

58. *Weiss, B. P. (2012) A vitrage of asteroid magnetism, Science, 338, 897-898.

57. *Fu, R. R., B. P. *Weiss, D. L. Shuster, J. Gattacceca, T. L. Grove, C. *Suavet, E. A. *Lima, L. Li, and A. T. Kuan (2012) An ancient core dynamo in asteroid Vesta, Science, 338, 238-241 (supplementary material available here).

56. *Tikoo, S. M., B. P. *Weiss, J. Buz, E. A. *Lima, E. K. Shea, G. Melo, and T. L. Grove (2012) Magnetic fidelity of lunar samples and implications for an ancient core dynamo, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 337-338, 93-103 (supplementary material available here).

55. Cassata, W. S., P. R. Renne, D. L. Shuster, and B. P. *Weiss (2012) Trapped Ar isotopes in meteorite ALH 84001 indicate Mars did not have a thick ancient atmosphere, Icarus, 221, 461-465.

54. *Weiss, B. P., L. T. Elkins-Tanton, M. A. Barucci, H. Sierks, C. Snodgrass, J.-B. Vincent, S. Marchi, M. Pätzold, I. Richter, P. R. Weissman, M. Fulchignoni, and R. P. Binzel, R. Schulz (2012) Possible evidence for partial differentiation of asteroid Lutetia from Rosetta, Planet. Space Sci., 66, 137-146.

53. Wieczorek, M. A., B. P. *Weiss, and S. T. Stewart (2012) An impactor origin for lunar magnetic anomalies, Science, 335, 1212-1215.

52. *Fu, R. R. and B. P. *Weiss (2012) Detrital remanent magnetization in the solar nebula, J. Geophys. Res., 117, E02003, doi:10.1029/2011JE003925.

51. *Shea, E. K., B. P. *Weiss, W. S. Cassata, D. L. Shuster, S. M. *Tikoo, J. Gattacceca, T. L. Grove, and M. D. Fuller (2012) A long-lived lunar core dynamo, Science, 335, 453-456.

50. *Carporzen, L., B. P. *Weiss, S. A. Gilder, A. Pommier, and R. J. Hart (2012) Lightning remagnetization of the Vredefort impact crater, J. Geophys. Res., 117, E01007, doi:10.1029/2011JE003919 (supplementary material available here).

49. Pätzold, M., T. Andert, S. W. Asmar, J. D. Anderson, J.-P. Barriot, M. K. Bird, B. Häusler, M. Hahn, S. Tellmann, H. Sierks, P. Lamy, B. P. *Weiss (2011) Asteroid (21) Lutetia – low mass, high density, Science, 334, 491-492.

48. Sierks, H., P. Lamy, C. Barbieri, D. Koschny, H. Rickman, R. Rodrigo, M. A’Hearn, F. Angrilli, M. A. Barucci, J.-L. Bertaux, I. Bertini, S. Besse, B. Carry, G. Cremonese, V. Da Deppo, B. Davidsson, S. Debei, M. De Cecco, J. De Leon, F. Ferri, S. Fornasier, M. Fulle, S. F. Hviid, R. W. Gaskell, O. Groussin, P. Gutierrez, W. Ip, L. Jorda, M. Kaasalainen, H. U. Keller, J. Knollenberg, R. Kramm, E. Kührt, M. Küppers, L. Lara, C. Leyrat, M. Lazzarin, J. J. Lopez Moreno, S. Magrin, S. Marchi, F. Marzari, M. Massironi, H. Michalik, R. Moissl, G. Naletto, F. Preusker, L. Sabau, W. Sabolo, F. Scholten, C. Snodgrass, N. Thomas, C. Tubiana, P. Vernazza, J.-B. Vincent, K.-P. Wenzel, T. Andert, M. Pätzold, B. P. *Weiss (2011) Images of asteroid 21 Lutetia: A remnant planetesimal from the early solar system, Science, 334, 487-490.

47. *Louzada, K. L., S. T. Stewart, B. P. *Weiss, J. Gattacceca, R. J. Lillis, J. S. Halekas (2011) Impact demagnetization of the Martian crust: Current knowledge and future directions, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 305, 257-269 (supplementary material available here).

46. Elkins-Tanton, L. T., B. P. *Weiss, and M. T. Zuber (2011) Chondrites as samples of differentiated planetesimals, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 305, 1-10.

45. *Carporzen, L., B. P. *Weiss, L. T. Elkins-Tanton, D. L. Shuster, D. S. Ebel. J. Gattacceca (2011) Magnetic evidence for a partially differentiated carbonaceous chondrite parent body, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 108, 6386-6389.

44. Oda, H., A. Usui, I. Miyagi, M. Joshima, B. P. *Weiss, C. Schantz, L. E. Fong, K. K. McBride, R. Harder, F. J. Baudenbacher (2011) Ultrafine-scale magnetostratigraphy of marine ferromanganese crust, Geology, 39, 227-230.

43. Cassata, W., D. L. Shuster, P. R. Renne, B. P. *Weiss (2010) Evidence for heterogeneous shock heating and constraints on Martian surface temperatures revealed by 40Ar/39Ar thermochronometry of Martian meteorites, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 74, 6900-6920.

42. *Weiss, B. P., Pedersen, S., Garrick-Bethell, I., Stewart, S. T., *Louzada, K. L., Maloof, A. C., and Swanson-Hysell, N. L. (2010) Paleomagnetism of impact spherules from Lonar crater, India and a test for impact-generated fields, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 298, 66-76.

41. Gattacceca, J., M. Boustie, E. *Lima, B. P. *Weiss, T. de Resseguier, J. P. Cuq-Lelandais (2010) Unraveling the simultaneous shock magnetization and demagnetization of rocks, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 182, 42-49.

40. *Garrick-Bethell, I. and B. P. *Weiss (2010) Kamacite blocking temperatures and applications to lunar magnetism, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 294, 1-7.

39. *Louzada, K. L., S. T. Stewart, B. P. *Weiss, J. Gattacceca, N. S. Bezaeva (2010) Shock and static pressure demagnetization of pyrrhotite and implications for the Martian crust, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 290, 90-101.

38. Shuster, D. L., G. Balco, W. S. Cassata, V. A. Fernandes, I. *Garrick-Bethell, B. P. *Weiss (2010) A record of impacts preserved in the lunar regolith, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 290, 155-165.

37. Maloof, A. C., S. T. Stewart, B. P. *Weiss, S. A. Soule, N. Swanson-Hysell, K. L. *Louzada, I. *Garrick-Bethell, and P. M. Poussart (2010) Geology of Lonar crater, India, Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., 122, 109-126.

36. *Weiss B. P., J. Gattacceca, S. Stanley, P. Rochette, U. R. Christensen (2010) Paleomagnetic records of meteorites and early planetesimal differentiation, Space Sci. Rev., 152, 341-390.

35. Shearer, C. K.. V. Burger, C. Neal, Z. Sharp, L. Spivak-Birndorf, L. Borg, V. A. Fernandes, J. J. Papike, J. Karner, M. Wadhwa, A. Gaffney, J. Shafer, J. Geissman, N.-V. Atudorei, C. Herd, B. P. Weiss, P. L. King, S. A. Crowther, and J. D. Gilmour (2010) Non-basaltic asteroidal magmatism during the earliest stages of solar system evolution: A view from Antarctic achondrites Graves Nunatak 06128 and 06129, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 74, 1172-1199.

34. Swanson-Hysell, N. L., A. C. Maloof, B. P. *Weiss, D. A. D. Evans (2009) No asymmetry in geomagnetic reversals recorded by 1.1-billion-year-old Keweenawan basalt flows, Nature Geosci., 2, 713-716.  (see News & Views by Joseph Meert.)

33. Rochette, P., B. P. *Weiss, and J. Gattacceca (2009) Magnetic minerals and magnetism of extraterrestrial materials, Elements, 5, 223-228.

32. *Lima, E. A. and B. P. *Weiss (2009) Obtaining vector magnetic field maps from single-component measurements, J. Geophys. Res., 114, B06102, doi:10.1029/ 2008JB006006 (supplementary material available here).

31. *Garrick-Bethell, I., B. P. *Weiss, D. L. Shuster, and J. *Buz (2009) Early lunar magnetism, Science, 323, 356-359.

30. Shearer, C. K., P. V. Burger, C. R. Neal, Z. Sharp, L. E. Borg, L. Spivak-Birndorf, M. Wadhwa, J. J. Papike, J. M. Karner, A. M. Gaffney, J. Shafer, B. P. *Weiss, and J. Geissman (2008) A unique glimpse into asteroidal melting processes in the early solar system from the Graves Nunatak 06128/06129 achondrites, Am. Mineral., 93, 1937-1940.

29. *Weiss, B. P., L. E. Fong, H. Vali, E. A. *Lima, F. J. Baudenbacher (2008) Paleointensity of the ancient Martian magnetic field, Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, L23207, doi: 10.1029/2008GL035585.

28. *Weiss, B. P., S. Berdahl, L. T. Elkins-Tanton, S. Stanley, E. A. *Lima, L. *Carporzen (2008) Magnetism on the angrite parent body and the early differentiation of planetesimals, Science, 322, 713-716.

27. *Louzada, K. L., B. P. *Weiss, A. C. Maloof, S. T. Stewart, N. Swanson-Hysell, S. A. Soule (2008) Paleomagnetism of Lonar Crater, India, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 275, 308-319.

26. *Weiss, B. P., E. A. *Lima, L. E. Fong, F. J. Baudenbacher (2007) Paleointensity of the Earth’s magnetic field using SQUID microscopy, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 264, 61-71.

25. *Weiss, B. P., E. A. *Lima, L. E. Fong, F. J. Baudenbacher (2007) Paleomagnetic analysis using SQUID microscopy, J. Geophys Res., 112, B09105, doi:10.1029/2007JB004940.

24. Maloof, A.C., R. E. Kopp, J. P. Grotzinger, D.A. Fike, T. Bosak, H. Vali, P. M. Poussart, B.P. *Weiss, and J. L. Kirschvink (2007) Sedimentary iron cycling and the origin and preservation of magnetization in platform carbonate muds, Andros Island, Bahamas, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 259, 581-598.

23. *Louzada, K. L., S. T. Stewart, B. P. *Weiss (2007) The effect of shock on the magnetic properties of pyrrhotite, the Martian crust, and meteorites, Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L05204, doi:10.1029/2006GL027685.

22. Kopp, R. E., C. Z. Nash, A. Kobayashi, B. P *Weiss, D. A. Bazylinski, J. L. Kirschvink (2006) Ferromagnetic resonance spectroscopy for assessment of magnetic anisotropy and magnetostatic interactions: a case study of mutant magnetotactic bacteria, J. Geophys. Res., 111, B12S25, doi:10.1029/2006 JB004529.

21. *Maloof, A. C., G. P. Halverson, J. L. Kirschvink, D. P. Schrag, B. P. *Weiss, P. F. Hoffman (2006) Combined paleomagnetic, isotopic and stratigraphic evidence for true polar wander from the Neoproterozoic Akademikerbreen Group, Svalbard, Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., 118, 1099-1124.

20. Kopp, R. E., B. P *Weiss, A. C Maloof, H. Vali, C. Z Nash, J. L. Kirschvink (2006) Chains, clumps, and strings: Magnetofossil taphonomy with ferromagnetic resonance spectroscopy, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 247, 10-26.

19. Wieczorek, M. A., B. L. Jolliff, A. Khan, M. E. Pritchard, B. P. *Weiss, J. Williams, L. L. Hood, K. Righter, C. R. Neal, C. K. Shearer, I. S. McCallum, S. Tompkins, B. R. Hawke, C. Peterson, J. J. Gillis, and B. Bussey (2006) The constitution and structure of the lunar interior, in New Views of the Moon, Rev. Mineral. Geochem. 60, 221-364.

18. Gattacceca, J., M. Boustié, B. P. *Weiss, P. Rochette, E. A. *Lima, L. E. Fong, F. J. Baudenbacher, (2006) Investigating impact demagnetization through laser impacts and SQUID microscopy, Geology, 34, 333-336.

17. Warmflash, D. and B. *Weiss (2005) Did life come from another world?, Scientific American, 293, 64-71. 

16. *Louzada, K. L., S. T. Stewart, and B. P. *Weiss (2005). Shock demagnetization of pyrrhotite (Fe1-xS, x ≤ 0.13) and implications for the Martian crust and meteorites, Shock Compression of Condensed Matter-2005AIP Conf. Proc., 845, 1476-1479.

15. Shuster, D. L. and B. P. *Weiss (2005) Martian surface paleotemperatures from thermochronology of meteorites, Science, 309, 594-597.

14. Storrs, A. D., C. Dunne, J.-M. Conan, L. Mugnier, B. P. *Weiss, and B. Zellner (2005) A closer look at main belt asteroids 1: WF/PC images, Icarus, 73, 409-416.

13. Vali, H., *Weiss, B. P., Li, Y., Sears, S. K., Kim, S. S., Kirschvink, J. L., and Zhang, C. (2004) Formation of tabular single domain magnetite induced by Geobacter metallireducens GS-15, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 101, 16121-16126.

12. *Weiss, B. P., S. S. Kim,  J. L. Kirschvink, R. E. Kopp, M. Sankaran, A. Kobayashi, and A. Komeili (2004) Ferromagnetic resonance and low-temperature magnetic tests for biogenic magnetite, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 224, 73-89.

11. *Weiss, B. P., S. S. Kim,  J. L. Kirschvink, R. E. Kopp, M. Sankaran, A. Kobayashi, and A. Komeili (2004) Magnetic tests for magnetosome chains in Martian meteorite ALH84001, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 101, 8281-8284.

10. Moore, J. M., L. A. Leshin, D. D. Bogard, C. K. Shearer, N. G. Barlow, A. F. C. Haldemann, R. J. Wilson, B. P. *Weiss, A. H. Treiman, R. N. Clark, S. M. Clifford (2002) Mars: Its place in solar system exploration, in The Future of Solar System Exploration, 2003-2013: Community Contributions to the NRC Solar System Exploration Decadal Survey, Ed. M. V. Sykes (Astronomical Society of the Pacific, San Francisco), ASP Conf. Series, 272, p. 155-158.

9.*Weiss, B. P., D. L. Shuster, and S. T. Stewart (2002) Temperatures on Mars from 40Ar/39Ar thermochronology of ALH84001, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett, 201, 465-472.

8. *Weiss, B. P., H. Vali, F. J. Baudenbacher, J. L. Kirschvink, S. T. Stewart, and D. L. Shuster (2002) Records of an ancient Martian magnetic field in ALH84001, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 201, 449-463.**

     **One of top 20 most cited Mars papers published between 2002-2004, ISI Essential Science Indicators Mars Special Topics

7. Kirschvink, J. L. and B. P. *Weiss (2002) Mars, panspermia, and the origin of life: Where did it all begin? Palaeontologia Electronica, 4, 2, editorial 2: 8p. (

6. *Weiss, B. P., F. J. Baudenbacher, J. P. Wikswo, and J. L. Kirschvink (2001) Magnetic microscopy promises a leap in sensitivity and resolution, Eos Trans. AGU, 82, 513 & 518.

5. *Weiss, B. P. and J. L. Kirschvink (2000) Life from space? Testing panspermia with Martian meteorite ALH84001, The Planetary Report, November/December, 8-11. 

4. *Weiss, B. P., J. L. Kirschvink, F. J. Baudenbacher, H. Vali, N. T. Peters, F. A. Macdonald, and J. P. Wikswo (2000) A low temperature transfer of ALH84001 from Mars to Earth, Science, 290, 791-795.

3. *Weiss, B. P. and A. P. Ingersoll (2000) Cold spots in the martian polar regions: Evidence for carbon dioxide depletion?, Icarus, 144, 432-435.

2. *Weiss, B. P., Y. L. Yung, and K. H. Nealson (2000) Atmospheric energy for subsurface life on Mars? Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 97, 1395-1399.

1. Storrs, A., B. *Weiss, B. Zellner, W. Burleson, R. Sichitiu, E. Wells, C. Kowal, and D. Tholen (1999) Imaging observations of asteroids with Hubble Space Telescope, Icarus, 137, 260-268.